Lee Clements

Henry Morrison-Jones, CFA
- Sustainable indices rebounded in Q4, led by climate-focused equities and green bonds, while ESG-focused indices underperformed.
- Tesla’s 54% surge boosted SI indices with high green revenue exposure but hurt ESG indices due to its weak ESG score.
- Green bond indices outperformed, benefiting from shorter duration & financial sector weightings, while alternatives struggled with rising bond yields.
During the fourth quarter, many sustainable investment (SI) indices saw a rebound in their performance relative to market capitalisation-weighted benchmarks, ending a year in which the SI market had to navigate strong macro-economic and geopolitical crosscurrents.
Q4 relative performance & 12m relative performance
Climate-focused sustainable equity indices and green bond indices had a surprisingly strong Q4. Four of the six global sustainable equity indices tracked in the FTSE Russell Sustainable Investment Insights Report[1] were ahead of the market in Q4. By comparison, in Q3 all of the indices lagged their cap-weighted reference benchmarks.
Relative performance of select global sustainable indices
Source: LSEG FTSE Russell. Data as of December 31, 2024. USD total return, fixed income indices USD hedged. Past Performance is no guarantee of future results
A tale of two Teslas
The FTSE All-World Paris-Aligned index (PAB) and the FTSE Environmental Opportunities All Share index (EnvOps) had a particularly strong Q4, driven by their significant overweight position in Tesla shares (in turn, a result of the company’s relatively high green revenues). The Tesla share price rose 54 percent during the quarter.
However, environment-, social- and governance-focused (ESG-focused) sustainable equity indices, such as the FTSE4Good All-World index (4Good) or the FTSE Developed ESG Low Carbon Target Exposure index (LowCarb), underperformed market-cap benchmarks. This reflected these two Sustainable indices’ underweight positions in Tesla, which has a weak ESG score.
Green bonds benefited in Q4, longer-duration indices lagged
Green bond indices also performed well in Q4, particularly the FTSE WBIG Corporate Green Impact Bond (Green Corp). This reflected the index’s relatively shorter duration, lower US weighting and higher weighting in banks.
Other sustainable fixed income indices had a mixed quarter, typically generating returns close to their parent benchmarks, where rising bond yields caused negative performance across the corporate and sovereign bond markets.
With yields rising, active duration was the main driver of relative performance: the FTSE WBIG Corporate ex Fossil Fuels Enhanced index (FFE Corp) and the FTSE WBIG Corporate Choice index (Choice Corp), both of which have slightly shorter duration than the broader corporate bond market, outperformed; meanwhile, the longer-duration FTSE WBIG PAB Corporate bond index (PAB Corp) underperformed its reference benchmark.
Several SI sovereign bond market indices were also impacted by their longer duration relative to parent indices, although an underweight position in US bonds in the FTSE Climate Risk Adjusted WGBI index series (Climate WGBI) acted as a tailwind, reducing underperformance.
Weaker performance for alternatives
The sustainable alternatives indices also suffered from rising bond yields in Q4, reversing the strong performance seen in Q3. Our sustainable real estate index, the FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Green Low Carbon Target index (EPRA Nareit Green), slightly underperformed the market in Q4 due to negative stock selection in the real estate holdings and development sub-sector. However, over the whole of 2024 it performed better in relative terms than in previous years. Meanwhile, in the SI infrastructure index sector, the FTSE Global Core Infrastructure TPI Climate Transition index (Green Infra) underperformed due to weakness in railroads stocks.
2024 risk/return comparisons show a mixed picture
To put the performance of sustainable multi-asset indices into context, it’s also helpful to compare their risk (volatility) and return with those of the broader market over the course of the year.
1 year risk/return comparison of select global & developed SI equity, bond and alternative indices
Source: LSEG FTSE Russell. Data as of December 31, 2024. USD total return, fixed income indices USD hedged. Past Performance is no guarantee of future results
This risk/return comparison highlights the strength of the FTSE All-World Paris-Aligned index (PAB) and the FTSE WBIG Corporate Green Impact Bond index (Green Corp) relative to their parent indices in 2024. Other sustainable equity indices (such as the FTSE4Good All-World, FTSE All-World TPI Climate Transition ex Fossil Fuels and FTSE Global All Cap Choice) and SI corporate bond indices showed similar risk/return characteristics to those of the market overall.
In summary, far from being a disaster for sustainable investment, 2024 saw solid but mixed investment performance.
1. Sustainable Investment Insights - January 2025 | LSEG
Choice = FTSE Global All Cap Choice; TPI = FTSE All-World TPI Climate Transition ex Fossil Fuels; 4Good = FTSE4Good All-World; PAB = FTSE All-World Paris-Aligned (PAB); Env Ops = FTSE Environmental Opportunities All-Share; LowCarb = FTSE Developed ESG Low Carbon Target Exposure; All World = FTSE All-World; Climate WGBI = FTSE Climate Risk Adjusted World Government Bond Index; Adv Climate WGBI = FTSE Advanced Climate Risk Adjusted World Government Bond Index; ESG WGBI = FTSE ESG World Government Bond Index; WGBI = FTSE World Government Bond Index; Choice Corp = FTSE Corporate WBIG Choice Bond Index; FFE Corp = FTSE WBIG Corporate ex Fossil Fuels Enhanced Bond Index; PAB Corp = FTSE WBIG PAB Corporate Bond Index; GreenWBIG = FTSE World Broad Investment-Grade (“WBIG”) Green Impact Bond Index; Green Corp = FTSE WBIG Corporate Green Impact Bond Index; Green Sov = FTSE WBIG Domestic Sovereign Green Impact Bond Index; WBIG = FTSE World Broad Investment-Grade; WBIG Corp = FTSE World Broad Investment-Grade Corporate; EPRA Nareit Green = FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Green Low Carbon Target; EPRA Nareit Dev = FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed; Green Infra = FTSE Global Core Infrastructure TPI Climate Transition; Global Infra = FTSE Global Core Infrastructure
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