Company Data

Officers & Directors Data

An overview of Officers & Directors Data

  • Our Officers and Directors data is one of the most comprehensive databases of company executives and directors in the world.
  • The data offering features profiles for key decision makers from public and private companies with over 25 years of employment and compensation history.
  • We capture over 3.6 million officers and directors, representing in excess of 2.9 million unique people. This encompasses 93,000+ Public companies (51,000+ Active) and 300,000+ Private companies.
  • Our Officers and Directors dataset provides detailed information on company executives and directors. This includes pay and performance, employment and education history, committee memberships, and comprehensive biographies, empowering users to research linkages between people plus evaluate the strength of a management team/board.

Key Facts 

  • Geographical coverage
  • History
    From 1998 for United States
    From 2003 for of the World
    From 2005 for Chinese & Japanese language data
  • Data format
    User Interface
  • Delivery mechanism
    Deployed/Onsite Servers
    Digital Files
  • Data frequency

Features & Benefits

What you get with Officers & Directors Data

  • Access global, comprehensive and consistent coverage, with 93,000+, publicly traded companies (51,000 Active) in over 120 markets. Private company coverage for 300k+ companies.
  • Localized content for Chinese and Japanese traded companies.
  • Identify key decision makers in an organization. Research key linkages and evaluate the strength of a management team.
  • Conduct due diligence on a person as part of the research process.
  • Track the career progression of an individual through our assignment of unique person identification codes.
  • Leverage connections to gain introductions and pursue partnership or sales opportunities.
  • Utilize historical standardized and company reported compensation as a benchmarking tool.
  • Identify potential candidates as part of a recruitment campaign.
  • Monitor personnel changes in a particular company or industry.
  • Robust data quality integrity process, with numerous pre-product logical checks and validation rules incorporated in the database. All supplemented with reviews from our most experienced specialists.
  • Local market experts are responsible for capturing, translating, editing and maintaining the data.
  • Data is updated annually from regulatory filings and also in real time as changes are announced through press releases.
  • Person Search, Degrees of Separation and Relational Path Search capabilities provide robust networking opportunities based upon public company affiliations.
  • Access 24 years of employment history in the US; 15+ years outside the US.
  • All data is captured in English, irrespective of the language in the original source.

How it works

Accessing the dataset

This dataset can be used by the following products. Talk to us to learn more about different packages and offerings.

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