Company Data

Toyo Keizai Estimates & Fundamentals

An overview of Toyo Keizai Estimates & Fundamentals

Toyo Keizai Estimates provides comprehensive earnings forecasts information for all listed companies in Japan for two terms. Our analysts report every company directly and make an original forecast.

Toyo Keizai Fundamentals provides comprehensive financial statements for all listed companies in Japan, including all items for annual and quarterly data from Tanshin (flash reports), Yuho (similar to Form10-K), and Shiho (similar to Form10-Q) disclosure reports with daily update. They have historical data from the 1980's and maintain the database accurately day-by-day. You can use Toyo Keizai Fundamentals for time series analysis or cross-sectional analysis.

Key Facts 

  • Geographical coverage
  • History
    From 1980
  • Data format
  • Delivery mechanism
    Deployed/Onsite Servers
  • Data frequency

Features & Benefits

What you get with Toyo Keizai Estimates & Fundamentals

  • Full coverage of all listed companies in Japanese exchanges, which include not only large-cap data but also small-cap with over 3700 companies.
  • Two terms forecasts: Toyo Keizai Estimates data contains current fiscal year data forecasts for the following next fiscal year and next interim settlement.
  • Toyo Keizai Estimates coverage include all listed companies in Japan excluding BOJ, preferred stock, foreign Stock, ETF, REIT, and subsidiary tracking stock.
  • Toyo Keizai Estimates fields include annual and interim estimates for each field: sales, operating income, current profit, net profit, EPS, and DPS.
  • A history of financial database in Japan going back to Yuho Data (1970's), Tanshin (1985), and Shiho (2008).
  • Accuracy maintained not only by using XBRL automation, but also manual input with more precision.
  • Toyo Keizai Fundamentals standardize its accounting standard: covering J-GAAP, US-GAAP and IFRS.

How it works

Accessing the dataset

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