LSEG Quantitative Analytics
- Data Formats:
- Delivery Mechanisms:
- Deployed/Onsite Servers
- Cloud
- Service Frequencies:
- Daily
LSEG Tick History
- Data Formats:
- Delivery Mechanisms:
- Website
- Cloud
- Service Frequencies:
- Intraday
Toyo Keizai Estimates provides comprehensive earnings forecasts information for all listed companies in Japan for two terms. Our analysts report every company directly and make an original forecast.
Toyo Keizai Fundamentals provides comprehensive financial statements for all listed companies in Japan, including all items for annual and quarterly data from Tanshin (flash reports), Yuho (similar to Form10-K), and Shiho (similar to Form10-Q) disclosure reports with daily update. They have historical data from the 1980's and maintain the database accurately day-by-day. You can use Toyo Keizai Fundamentals for time series analysis or cross-sectional analysis.
Features & Benefits
How it works
This dataset can be used by the following products. Talk to us to learn more about different packages and offerings.
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