Deals Data

Deals - Municipal New Issues

An overview of Deals - Municipal New Issues

We provides U.S. municipal debt transaction information and league tables to the global deal-making industry. Comprising of 656,000 U.S. municipal new issues and 24,000 Canadian and international public financings, our records date back to the 1960s.

Gather timely and detailed municipal debt information. We source from direct deal submissions from dealmakers, municipal trade publications, filings, and newswires.

Key Facts 

  • Geographical coverage
    North America
  • History
    From 1960
  • Data format
    User Interface
  • Delivery mechanism
  • Data frequency

Features & Benefits

What you get with Deals - Municipal New Issues

  • Hundreds of data elements including issuer name, county state and type classification, book and co-managers, financial advisors, legal counsels, trustees, paying agents and credit enhancers, beneficiaries/obligors, offering terms and ratings, uses of proceeds, NIC, TIC and gross spread, call features and refunding information.
  • A robust series of quality assurance checks are processed daily to ensure the highest quality content is available to clients, with U.S. municipals content being updated hourly on our products.
  • Our US municipal debt database covers all sold new issuance of negotiated and competitive bids and privately placed U.S. municipals, as well as a forward calendar of new issues coming to market.

How it works

Accessing the dataset

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