
We are the market leader in providing Equity market data. Our coverage provides access to markets all over the world.


How our Equities can benefit you

Extensive real time Market coverage: Our Equity data coverage is comprehensive and truly global. Our technological footprint and reach enables us to connect to and collect data from markets all over the world.
Trading Data: We provide trading data across the markets with pre trade, full Orderbook content offering deep transparency for price discovery. We also provide a complete level of quality of service from real time Post Trade data, free of charge 15 minute delayed data and low latency content. All of these are delivered though our Elektron platform with tailored, structured and consistent data models for each asset and sub asset class.
Value Add Analytics: We provide a suite of Equity analytics to drive real value add and decision making tools. This can be configured to ensure these are flexible to cater for all different requirements and use cases.
Reference Data: Whether it's instrument identifiers such as ISINs or SEDOLs or company fundamentals we carry vast amounts of reference data points and make these easily available via our products.
Historical Coverage: There is unrivalled amount of historical data available across all our Equity coverage which enables vast amounts of data points to drive real historical analytics value and limitless future event modelling possibilities.

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