Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB)
FRTB Data Solutions
Obtain the data you need for the Standardised and Internal Models Approaches, to perform FRTB analytics in-house or through a market risk engine.
What are the biggest FRTB implementation challenges?
Around the world, banks are finding the implementation of the Fundamental Review of the Trading (FRTB) requirements – with an international deadline of January 2023 – very challenging. Top issues include:
- Standardised Approach capital calculations demand three different metrics, and the Sensitivities Based Method is particularly complex. Banks need to apply the relevant risk class, risk weight, and risk bucket metrics to calculate their capital.
- Within the Standardised Approach, the Funds Look-Through Approach and the Index Look-Through Approach both require lots of detailed price and reference data about individual funds and index constituents.
- To pass the Risk Factor Eligibility Test (RFET), under the Internal Models Approach, banks must obtain “real price observations” (RPOs) for 12 months, attribute RPOs to individual risk factors, and check if there is enough activity to pass liquidity thresholds. This requires large amounts of data, sometimes from opaque markets.
For most banks, the biggest FRTB data gap is in over-the-counter (OTC) products. Legacy technology infrastructure, data governance issues, and other challenges can mean that working with a trusted data partner will reduce the time and resources needed to achieve FRTB compliance.
LSEG partners with Tradeweb for FRTB
Our Solutions
Internal Models Approach
LSEG can help you comply with the Risk Factor Eligibility Test by providing regulatory compliant Real Price Observations (RPOs) data for cross asset class financial instruments traded in both regulated and over-the-counter (OTC) markets.
Our Trade Discovery solution delivers data from a variety of sources, that include regulated markets, “transparent” OTC markets and “opaque” OTC markets by partnering with the most established market infrastructure providers, such as LCH and Tradeweb.
Through our extended coverage of regulated markets and our partnerships with LCH, Tradeweb and other leading market infrastructure providers, you get access to billions of processed RPOs across exchange-traded and OTC derivative instruments covering rates, credit, FX and equities in multiple jurisdictions.
The instrument terms and conditions across 60+ attributes sit within a single data model, allowing easy mapping of RPOs to risk factors.
Standardised Approach
Sensitivities Based Method Data – LSEG provides the data fields at the instrument level that banks need to calculate their capital requirements under the Sensitivities Based Method, including risk class, risk bucket, and risk weight. LSEG also delivers full transparency by providing the data fields necessary to calculate these three fields.
Funds Look-Through Approach Data – Banks can access an up-to-date list of individual constituents and weights for the relevant funds in their portfolios. This includes identification of UCITs and alternative funds.
Index Look-Through Approach Data: –Banks can access to individual constituents and weights for listed equity or credit indices.
Features & benefits
What you get with our FRTB solution
Deploy high-quality and transparent data that is compliant with FRTB regulatory obligations.
Use LSEG data in the bank’s in-house FRTB analytics, or within a third-party FRTB calculation engine.
Purchasing FRTB data from LSEG is often easier and less expensive than trying to harvest that data internally.
Engage with the expertise of LSEG Professional Services around the globe for FRTB data implementation projects.
LSEG Support Teams are available 24/7/365 around the world, to help with firms with their FRTB data queries.
LSEG helps firms acquire and manage the data needed to meet the demands of regulatory change.
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