Evaluated pricing data

LSEG Pricing Service

Pricing valuations you can count on.

Your trusted source for accurate and transparent pricing

LSEG Pricing Service is an independent, global evaluated pricing source covering over 3 million fixed income instruments, derivatives and bank loans including hard to value assets. Our coverage spans all global major financial markets enabling you to perform bespoke analyses and to gain a deeper understanding of the market.

Access evaluations anytime throughout the day and at all standard global market closing times, giving you the ultimate flexibility and control to obtain the insights needed, precisely when you needed them.

Uncover the ‘why’ behind every price

Want to know more than just the price? Our evaluation services extend beyond simply providing a price. We provide transparency by offering insights into the inputs behind our evaluations. By sharing our methodology, including pricing recipes, market observations and other relevant data, you can be assured of a robust and defensible price, empowering you to confidently support your evaluations and meet regulatory requirements.

Discover the ‘who’ behind our pricing

LSEG brings global coverage with local knowledge, ensuring your pricing data is accurate and insightful. Our team of professional evaluators apply consistent and transparent methodologies, incorporating observable market data and adhering to standard market conventions. Plus, our comprehensive customer support team is available and accessible to answer questions and guide you through the process. With LSEG Pricing Service, our methodology is an open book. Get the expertise and support to make confident decisions. 

Features & benefits

What you get with LSEG Pricing Service

Market expertise & transparency

Get quick responses to queries by connecting with experienced fixed income and derivative evaluators. Submit challenges on evaluated pricing using our price challenge and transparency portal on DataScope Select and MyAccount.

Robust & independent valuation

We apply methodologies consistent with market standards, sourcing market prices daily from a wide network of participants. As an independent third-party provider, we offer valuations free from conflicts of interest, without engaging in origination, issuance, trading, or holding financial instruments.

Global coverage for hard-to-value assets

We operate globally, accessing core and local markets. Our data sources provide valuation coverage for liquid and illiquid markets, including hard-to-value fixed income instruments and structured and exotic derivatives.

Fair value & audited standards

We apply methodologies aligned with fair market value standards, consistent with FASB ASC 820 and IFRS 13. Our pricing controls are audited, independently verified annually, and documented in our SOC1/ISAE 3402 report.

Flexible & secure delivery

Our prices are accessible via enterprise data feeds through the DataScope suite, including cloud capabilities, ensuring flexible and secure delivery.

Reliable pricing methodology

We follow market-aligned methodologies with direct and comparable pricing intelligence sourced from a broad market-making network.

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