Why choose LSEG Stock Reports Plus?
Stock Reports Plus optimizes investment selection for financial professionals by simplifying the process of evaluating stocks, finding new trading ideas, and understanding industry trends.
Intended to be transparent and easily understood, proprietary stock ratings analyse key trends in earnings, fundamentals, relative valuation, price momentum, risk, and insider trading.
Combining our independent research, ratings, and market data for global companies across 50 different markets, the reports place current data into historical context for more accurate forecasting of a security's performance.
Features & benefits
What you get with Stock Reports Plus
Objective recommendations based solely upon market data and statistics on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being most favourable).
Highlights of noteworthy data for quick review of a company’s performance.
Compares a company's key metrics to those of its 10 closest peers providing a contextual baseline.
Weekly score calculations and daily updates on relevant data points.
Ratings and reports for 37,000 companies in 50 markets, including 21,000+ Asia Pacific, 7,000 European, 7,000 North American.
Content is available in the Thomson ONE desktop, as a standalone website or delivered through web services, Thomson Reuters Knowledge Direct or FTP solutions.
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