FTSE EPRA Nareit Green Index Series

Our FTSE EPRA Nareit Green Index Series measures the performance of eligible real estate equities worldwide, against their climate & sustainability.

The FTSE EPRA Nareit Green Index Series is designed to measure the performance of eligible real estate equities worldwide against their climate & sustainability.

These indices provide a sustainability-focused extension to the FTSE EPRA Nareit Global Real Estate Index Series, the world’s leading series of listed real estate benchmarks.

The indices weight constituents based on two sustainable investment measures; green building certification and energy usage, and follows the FTSE Global Factor Index Series methodology to address concerns about liquidity, capacity, diversification and turnover.

Indices are constructed with the FTSE Target Exposure Framework, allowing a transparent tilt exposure towards and away from index constituents according to a number of exposure objectives.

The indices can be used as performance benchmarks, or as the basis for index-linked products including index tracking funds, derivatives, and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).

Index performance

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