FTSE Fixed Income EU Climate Benchmarks Index Series

Climate transition benchmarks have become important for investors seeking to integrate climate risks, identify opportunities in their portfolios and align with the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement.

FTSE Russell's EU Climate Transition Benchmarks (CTBs) and EU Paris-Aligned Benchmarks (PABs) indices support investors in achieving the required minimum targets for each respective index, as stipulated by the EU 2019 Regulation on EU Climate Transition Benchmarks.

The FTSE Fixed Income EU Climate Benchmarks Index Series provides a considered approach to this complex objective. At the same time, it goes beyond the minimum requirements to provide a modular toolkit that balances the required decarbonisation objective while considering additional goals and potential customisations required by index users.

The Index Series includes:

FTSE Fixed Income Paris-aligned Benchmark (PAB) Indices

  • FTSE WorldBIG PAB Corporate Bond Index
  • FTSE EuroBIG PAB Corporate Bond Index
  • FTSE USBIG PAB Corporate Bond Index
  • FTSE World High-Yield PAB Bond Index
  • FTSE US High-Yield PAB Bond Index

FTSE Fixed Income Climate Transition Benchmark (CTB) Indices

  • FTSE WorldBIG CTB Corporate Bond Index
  • FTSE EuroBIG CTB Corporate Bond Index
  • FTSE USBIG CTB Corporate Bond Index
  • FTSE World High-Yield CTB Bond Index
  • FTSE US High-Yield CTB Bond Index
  • FTSE Emerging Markets USD Broad CTB Corporate Bond Index
  • FTSE Asian Broad CTB Corporate Bond Index

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