Gain exposure to the next emerging market power plays

The FTSE BIMI index is a gateway to four emerging market powerhouses—Brazil, India, Mexico, and Indonesia

The FTSE BIMI index is a market capitalisation-weighted index representing the performance of large- and mid-cap stocks from the four largest emerging economies outside China*: Brazil, India, Mexico and Indonesia (BIMI). These four countries represent the largest emerging economies after China. The index is derived from the FTSE Global Equity Index Series (GEIS), which covers 99% of the world's investable market capitalisation

* ranked by estimated 2023 gross domestic product, International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook, April 2024.

Today I'm going to talk about the FTSE BIMI Index BIMI B,I,M,I. What is BIMI?It represents Brazil, IndiaMexico and IndonesiaThese are the four largest emerging economies after ChinaSo, essentially, the FTSE BIMI Index isa gateway to emerging market powerhousesThe four economiesin the BIMI complex are diverseeach with its unique macro backdropThe stock markets offer a range ofinvestment opportunities complementing each other's strengthsFirstly, Brazil is acommodity and dividend-rich marketIt is home to abundant natural resourcesAnd Brazil offersan overall dividend yield of more than8% across its large- and mid-cap stocksIndiais a gateway to growth and isforecasted to be the fastest growingeconomy in the world for at leastthe next few yearsIts rising middle class is also expected to propel domestic consumptionMexico is a beneficiary of nearshoringas the global supply chainundergoes reorganisationMexico's proximity to the USparticularly puts it on a prime spotfor nearshoring opportunitiesLastly, Indonesia has a rising rolein EV supply chaingiven this rich nickel resources that is crucial to EV battery productionIndonesia is ambitious to becoming one ofthe top three EV battery producersby 2027In summary, BIMI's diverse economiesoffer a unique blend of exciting and complementary investment opportunitiesdriven by robust economic growthand favourable market trendsthe FTSE BIMI Indexmight just be the gateway that you needto access the next generationof EM powerhouses

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