FTSE Blossom Fixed Income Index Series

Corporate bond index that supports multi-asset sustainable investment solutions

The FTSE Blossom Fixed Income Index Series takes account of ESG factors in its design and derives its issuers from the members of the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index which reflect the performance of companies demonstrating specific ESG practices.

The FTSE Blossom Fixed Income Index Series includes: 

FTSE Blossom Japan Fixed Income Index

The FTSE Blossom Japan Fixed Income Index is designed to measure the performance of Japanese Yen-denominated corporate bonds issued by public traded companies demonstrating specific environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices in Japan.

Based on the underlying FTSE Japanese Broad Bond Index (JPBBI), the FTSE Blossom Japan Fixed Income Index focuses on bonds issued by Japanese public companies and selects issuers from the members of the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index and their subsidiaries. FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index is an equity flagship index, which selects stocks in the top 50% of each Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) sector with ESG Scores 2.0 and above. It also supports climate transition to a low carbon economy by evaluating companies’ climate governance and climate change efforts with Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) Management Quality (MQ) Score.

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