Why choose FTSE Private Equity Buyout Indices?
Our FTSE Private Equity Buyout Indices measure the performance of the US private equity buyout industry through a combination of liquid and publicly traded assets.
These publicly traded assets are allocated across seven sector portfolios, each representing a different sector in which US private equity buyout firms invest.
The series consists of the FTSE private equity buyout research private equity index, which is a comprehensive and highly representative indicator of the US private equity buyout industry, while the FTSE Private Equity Buyout Index is a ground-breaking, investable index tracking the performance of our private equity buyout research Index using liquid public securities.
Features & benefits
What you get with FTSE Private Equity Buyout Indices
The indices track the performance of the U.S. private equity industry through aggregation of company values.
The focus of the index is on acquisition and leverage buyouts.
Indices are built around a structure that provides a good representation of the private equity market.
How it works
The indices in detail
FTSE Private Equity Buyout Research Index
Comprehensive – The FTSE Private Equity Buyout Research Index leverages our private equity investment database, analysing over 8,000 U.S. private equity companies.
High quality measure of Private Equity buyout returns gross of fees – The index tracks the gross performance of the U.S. Private Equity buyout industry through a comprehensive aggregation of company values.
FTSE Private Equity Buyout Index
Investable index using liquid public securities – Sector portfolios are designed to track the performance of Private Equity sector investments by holding liquid exchange traded instruments rather than investing directly in Private Equity firms.
Published daily – Computed at the close of each trading day providing immediate information about movements in the Private Equity environment.
Diversification – Seeks to replicate the return profile of the Private Equity buyout asset class by constructing a combination of sector portfolio returns.