Used as benchmarks for bond portfolio management and indicators of bond market performance for over 20 years, our fixed income indicies provide high-quality measurements of multiple developed and emerging markets at various levels of liquidity, maturity and risk.
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Features & benefits
What you get with our fixed income indices
Our fixed income indices have been calculated for over 20 years.
Our bond indices have a long history, enabling you to conduct research and back testing.
The indices are available for benchmarking and analytical purposes.
How it works
The indices in more detail
These cover the entire local bond universe, offering government bonds, corporate bonds, and Sukuk. The series offers the most representative Malaysian fixed income indices available for benchmarking and analytical purposes.
FTSE Global Sukuk Index
Zero coupon and fixed coupon global Sukuk for both government and corporate sectors. Offers an independent and comprehensive benchmark for investors seeking access to Shariah-compliant fixed income investments.
FTSE iEDGE Singapore Fixed Income Indices (SFI)
In Q4 2016, FTSE/iEdge Singapore Fixed Income Indices (FTSE/iEDGE SFI) was selected as the recommended fixed income benchmark by United Overseas Bank (UOB) following the discontinuation of the UOB SGS Index.
These are the first fixed income indices to include Singapore sovereign, corporate and statutory board issues, with history available from January 2009, based on our evaluated prices.
The SFI series offers independently priced, deep and representative index coverage of Singapore bond markets at varying levels of maturity, risk and focus.
Sovereign Bond Indices
Calculated for over 20 years according to the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies'
rules for bond indices, each index only contains bonds that follow the agreed rules, and all indices have been rigorously back-tested.
The global sovereign bond indices enable analysts and investors to fairly compare bond market trends across various geographical regions, covering 24 developed and 7 emerging markets.
FR Canadian Fixed Income Indices
These utilize the same EFFAS index methodology as our sovereign bond indices, offering 9 bond maturity bands for corporate, provincial, and government issues.
CDS Indices
Volume weighted indices, with constituents handpicked by major regional dealers to reflect liquidity, offering investors the option to hedge against movements in credit across a range of sovereign names in Latin America, Europe, and Asia.