The Russell 1000 ICB Capped indices are US large cap sector indices based on the Russell 1000 Index and Industries within the ICB sector classification framework. The indices apply regulatory capping targets at the quarterly reviews, in consideration of either the Regulated Investment Company (RIC) requirements for diversification or the definition of a “Diversified Company” via SEC.5.b(1) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (40 Act). The 40 Act Daily Capped indices are monitored daily, and the methodology is designed to maintain constituent weights below 40 Act thresholds.
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Russell 1000 Technology RIC 22.5/45 Capped Index
Russell 1000 Health Care RIC 22.5/45 Capped Index
Russell 1000 Basic Materials RIC 22.5/45 Capped Index
Russell 1000 Consumer Staples RIC 22.5/45 Capped Index
Russell 1000 Energy RIC 22.5/45 Capped Index
Russell 1000 Telecommunications RIC 22.5/45 Capped Index
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