The FTSE UK Series is designed to represent the performance of UK companies, providing market participants with a comprehensive and complementary set of indexes that measure the performance of all capital and industry segments of the UK equity market.
The FTSE UK ESG Risk-Adjusted Index Series, based on the FTSE UK Index Series, is designed to reflect the performance of UK stocks whilst improving broad ESG characteristics and maintaining similar risk/return characteristics to the underlying universe.
Headline indices include:
FTSE 100 Index (UKX) - comprises the 100 most highly capitalised blue chip companies listed on London Stock Exchange.
FTSE 100 Total Return Index - measures the total return of the underlying FTSE 100 index, combining both capital performance and income (reinvested on the dividend (xd) date). No withholding tax adjustments are made.
FTSE 100 Net of Tax Index (UKXNUK) - applies tax adjustments to dividends for the total return index calculation.
FTSE 250 Index - comprises mid-capitalised companies not covered by the FTSE 100, and represents approximately 15% of UK market capitalisation.
FTSE All-Share Index - representing 98-99% of UK market capitalisation, the FTSE All-Share index is the aggregation of the FTSE 100, FTSE 250 and FTSE Small Cap indices.
FTSE 350 Supersectors Indices - 18 real-time industry sector indexes derived from companies in the FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 indices.
Watch the FTSE 100 Index video
Index performance
Featured indices
FTSE 100
The FTSE 100 Index (UKX) comprises the 100 most highly capitalised blue-chip companies listed on London Stock Exchange. Launched in 1984 as a tradeable index of the top 100 UK companies, it soon after featured in daily television news reports as the most popular gauge of the stock market’s health. The FTSE 100 Index was key in helping launch London’s new equity index derivatives market. The index’s rapid increase from its starting level of 1000 told the story of equities’ bull market of the 1980s and 1990s.
FTSE 250
The FTSE 250 Index comprises mid-capitalised companies not covered by the FTSE 100 and represents approximately 15% of UK market capitalisation.
The FTSE 250 Index has come a long way since its launch in 1992 — it is now one of FTSE Russell’s most well-known and widely used indices. Robust in its ability to mirror a dynamic segment of the UK equity market, the index is trusted, monitored and used daily by investors and promoters of investment products in the UK and globally.
FTSE 350
The FTSE 350 Index represents large and mid cap stocks traded on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), which pass screening for size and liquidity. The FTSE 350 index is made up of the constituents of the FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 index.
FTSE All-Share Index
The FTSE All-Share Index is the aggregation of the FTSE 100, FTSE 250 and FTSE Small Cap Indices, representing 98-99% of the UK market capitalisation.
The FTSE All-Share Index is considered to be the best performance measure of the London equity market, with the vast majority of UK-focused money invested in funds that track it.
The index is suitable as the basis for investment products, such as funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). FTSE All-Share Index constituents are traded on the LSE's SETS and SETSmm trading systems.
FTSE UK ESG Risk-Adjusted Index Series
The FTSE UK ESG Risk-Adjusted Index Series, based on the FTSE UK Index Series, is designed to reflect the performance of UK stocks, while improving broad ESG characteristics and maintaining similar risk/return characteristics to the underlying universe.
For further information, please visit FTSE UK ESG Risk-Adjusted Index Series.
Dividend Points Indices
Represent the cumulative value of ordinary cash dividends declared by the individual constituents of the underlying FTSE 100 Index, calculated on the ex dividend (xd) date and expressed in terms of index points.
- FTSE 100 Declared Dividend Index (F1DIVD) - No withholding tax adjustments are made. The index is rebased to 0 at the start of the trading day following the third Friday in December each year.
- FTSE 100 Dividend Index (F1DIV) - No withholding tax adjustments are made. The index is rebased to 0 at the start of the trading day following the third Friday in December each year. Please note that prior to 31 January 2022 an exception was made for dividends paid by Royal Dutch Shell A Shares from which a 15% withholding tax was deducted.
- FTSE 100 Cumulative Dividend Points Index (UKXCD) - No withholding tax adjustments are made. There is no annual rebase for this index.
Sustainable Investment Indices
FTSE UK ESG Risk-Adjusted Index Series – based on the FTSE UK Index Series is designed to reflect the performance of UK stocks whilst improving broad ESG characteristics and maintaining similar risk/return characteristics to the underlying universe.
FTSE4Good Index Series – Designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong ESG practices. Exclusions applied.
FTSE Global Choice index Series – includes the FTSE All-Share ex Controversies ex CW Index and FTSE UK ex Controversies ex CW Index. Designed to help investors align their portfolios with their individual values. Indexes exclude constituents with controversial conduct and controversial weapons.
FTSE ESG Low Carbon Select Index Series - includes the FTSE UK ESG Low Carbon Select Index. Designed to achieve significant reductions in emission and reserve intensities, along with improvement in the aggregate ESG rating.
FTSE EU Climate Benchmark Index Series - the sub-families includes: FTSE All-Share Climate Transition (CTB) Index, & FTSE All-Share Paris-aligned (PAB) Index. Designed to integrate climate risks and opportunities and provide alignment with the climate goals of the Paris Agreement.
FTSE Environmental Opportunities Index Series - includes the FTSE Environmental Opportunities UK index. Designed to measure the performance of global companies that have significant involvement in environmental business activities, including renewable and alternative energy, energy management and efficiency, water infrastructure and technology, and waste and pollution control.
Key resources
FTSE UK Index Series Guide to Calculation
FTSE UK Index Series Rules
FTSE UK Index Series Guide to Calculation Methods for the Median Liquidity Test
How Does the FTSE UK Index Series Review Work
FTSE UK Dividend+ Index Rules
FTSE 100 Declared Dividend Index Rules
FTSE 100 Cumulative Dividend Points Index Rules
FTSE 100 Dividend Index Rules
FTSE 100 USD Methodology
FTSE UK Expiry Indices Ground Rules
Index resources
FTSE UK Index Series Overview
FTSE UK Index Series Historic Ground Rule Updates
UK Series Review FAQ - 2025
FTSE 100 Adds and Deletes
FTSE 250 Adds and Deletes
UK Listing Regime and FTSE UK Index Series FAQ
The FTSE 250 index enters its fourth decade
UK Index Series - FAQ Fast Entry Thresholds and Sterling Requirement
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