Monthly report
European and UK equities continue to outperform as markets factor in more US policy uncertainty
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The narrative around US exceptionalism was challenged, hurting US equities’ relative performance but boosting US fixed income through lower yields.
Key highlights:
- Global Equities – European and UK equities outperform
- Global Fixed Income – US bonds shine
- Commodities – Commodity index slightly down; oil pulls back
- Equity Industries – Telecoms lead; Technology lags
- Equity Factors – Momentum moderates; Value outperforms
- Alternative Indices – US, Japan and Emerging REITs outperform
- Foreign exchange – USD performance is mixed
From March, we have two editions of Performance Insights — Performance Insights US and Performance Insights Europe. The US edition combines the previously published USD and local currency versions of Performance Insights. The Europe edition combines the previously published Euro and GBP versions of Performance Insights.
This report provides actionable insights on global performance across asset classes, regions, currencies, industries and styles, using proprietary month-end data from our flagship index families.
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