Your Index Matters

The index to which your ETP is benchmarked makes a difference in how well you can capture your strategy – and how your index behaves in various market conditions.

Rigorous methodology. Transparent rules.

Inclusion in Russell Indexes is driven by the market – not by a committee. Institutional assets valued at $10.6 trillion* are benchmarked to Russell Indexes – a 69% share.

Russell Indexes are institutional grade

  • Objective - Defined by the market, not by committee.
  • Comprehensive - A complete measure of U.S. equities, from mega-cap to micro-cap.
  • Modular - Designed to work together, with no gaps or overlaps.
  • Rules-based and transparent - Built on a rigorous, published methodology.

Capture your strategy more effectively

  • Allocate assets with precision.
  • Take advantage of opportunities to invest in companies soon after they IPO.
  • Benefit from the same institutional-grade tools as the largest investors.
  • Be confident you are not unexpectedly underweighted or overweighted in any area.

No gaps, no overlaps

Russell Indexes provide 98% coverage of US equities. Modular design and consistent breakpoints help ensure your allocation is exactly what your strategy calls for.

All indexes are not created equal.Russell indexes are institutionalgrade driven by the market,not picked by a committee, rules based,transparent, powerful, and their modular,providing exposure to 98% ofinvestable US equities with no gaps and no overlaps.Russell indexes are regularly updated andannually reconstituted for a true measure of the market.What does this mean to a financial advisor?It means you can captureyour client's investment requirements more precisely.Worry less that your indexmight be missing fast growing company.So there's 10.6 trilliondollar worth of assets benchmark to Russell indexes.It's the index family institutional investors rely on.So if you want the same tools and advantagesenjoyed by institutional investors, your index matters.

All indexes are not created equal.

Discover our Russell US Indexes

The Russell US Indexes, from mega cap to microcap, serve as leading benchmarks for institutional investors.

Discover which ETPs track Russell Indexes

Put the power of Russell to work in your investment strategy

The IPO impact

Why it matters how your index adds newly public companies

Index composition can affect index performance

How to decide when to add an IPO to indexes

You might assume all indexes automatically add qualified stocks once they've gone public. However, not all indexes do. And unless a stock is included in the index, it can’t have an impact on index performance. Do you know how your index decides when to add new IPOs?

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