September 17, 2018

Turquoise makes Euronext Growth securities available for trading

  • New channel of execution for Euronext Growth instruments
  • Expands Turquoise’s broad universe of c. 4,500 stocks from 19 European countries to trading members
  • Reflects increased investor demand for trading small and mid-cap securities

Turquoise, a leading pan-European MTF, announces that Euronext Growth stocks are available to trade on its platforms from today. The extension of the service is a result of demand from Turquoise’s customers and reflects a growing appetite for efficient access to trade small and mid cap stocks from the institutional investor community.

Turquoise members, which include global banks, domestic brokers, specialist trading firms and retail intermediaries, now have access through a single connection to trade securities such as quoted on Euronext Growth. Clearing of the stocks will be available via LCH SA.

The addition of these securities to Turquoise expands the platform’s already broad universe of approximately 4,500 stocks across 19 major European markets. It also follows the addition of AIM UK 50 stocks to Turquoise in October 2017.

Investors trading these securities benefit from MiFID II compliant trading mechanisms, including Turquoise Plato Block Discovery™ and Turquoise Lit Auctions™.

Robert Barnes, CEO, Turquoise:
“Turquoise has a proud track record of innovation in partnership with our customers, supporting efficient capital markets.

“Further extending Turquoise’s universe of European stocks to incorporate Euronext Growth instruments gives our customers increased access to high-growth European SMEs. Through a single Turquoise workflow, members will be able to further diversify their portfolios, whilst benefitting from the same market innovations already available to them through Turquoise.” 

Christophe Hemon, CEO, LCH SA:
“We are delighted to support this initiative. Clearing these instruments means that investors can now benefit from a choice where to execute their trades, while continuing to achieve enhanced risk management and efficiency associated with LCH SA.”

About Turquoise

Turquoise is the European multilateral trading facility majority owned by London Stock Exchange Group in partnership with the user community. With a single connection, members can trade shares, depository receipts, ETFs, and European Rights Issues of 19 European countries with an Open Access model that allows members to choose among 3 interoperable CCPs to clear these trades. Members include banks, brokers, specialist trading firms and retail intermediaries.

Turquoise features two electronic orders book services. Turquoise Integrated Lit combines simple limit and iceberg orders with Large In Scale hidden orders. Turquoise Midpoint Dark, renamed Turquoise Plato™, prioritizes orders by size and allows users to configure Minimum Execution Size; it features two distinct mechanisms, each executing at the midpoint of the Primary Market Best Bid and Offer: continuous matching and Turquoise Plato Uncross™, an innovation that provides randomised uncrossings during the trading day, ideal for larger and less time sensitive passive orders. Turquoise Plato Block Discovery™ matches undisclosed Block Indications that execute in Turquoise Plato Uncross™.

Turquoise Plato Dark Lit Sweep™ is an order that interacts firstly with the Turquoise Plato™ order book at the primary midpoint price and then continues to interact with any balance resting in Turquoise® Integrated Lit.

For more information, please visit; or follow us on Twitter @tradeturquoise or LinkedIn on Turquoise

About LSEG

LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) is a leading global financial markets infrastructure and data provider, playing a vital social and economic role in the world’s financial system.

With our open approach, trusted expertise and global scale, we enable the sustainable growth and stability of our customers and their communities. We are dedicated partners with extensive experience, deep knowledge and a worldwide presence in data and analytics; indices; capital formation; and trade execution, clearing and risk management across multiple asset classes. 

LSEG is headquartered in the United Kingdom, with significant operations in over 60 countries across EMEA, North America, Latin America and Asia Pacific. We employ 25,000 people globally, more than half located in Asia Pacific. LSEG’s ticker symbol is LSEG.


Rhiannon Davies
44 (0)20 7797 1222