November 28, 2022
Refinitiv to cease TRYFIX
Istanbul / London – Refinitiv today announced that it will cease publication of TRYFIX. The final publication will be at 11:30 EET on 28 April 2023.
TRYFIX, an index that measures the Turkish Lira implied interest rate, is used by a small number of firms in legacy contracts. The rate is published daily in overnight, 1-month, 3-month, 6-month and 12-month settings and is calculated using input data comprising market data from four brokers as well as other parameters.
Prior to issuing the cessation notice for TRYFIX Refinitiv requested industry feedback via a consultation paper. Refinitiv would like to thank those who responded.
Following the publication of TRYFIX on 28 April 2023 the page <TRYFIX> will display the final published rates and the notice “TRYFIX has now ceased. Users may want to consider using an alternative rate.” The other RICs will display the final published rates without the notice. Three months after TRYFIX cessation the RICs and pages shown in the table below will be removed from Refinitiv products.
Refinitiv will not publish a fallback for TRYFIX after 28 April 2023.
Users of TRYFIX should take into account this cessation notice and ensure their contractual and other arrangements linked to the rate contain appropriate and robust fallback plans or other arrangements to address the cessation.
The joint outcome statement and cessation notice is available to download.
RICs and pages subject to cessation
Tenor | RICs and pages |
Overnight | <TRYFIXON=> |
1-month | <TRYFIX1M=> |
3-month | <TRYFIX3M=> |
6-month | <TRYFIX6M=> |
12-month | <TRYFIX1Y=> |
About Refinitiv
Refinitiv, an LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) business, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data and infrastructure. Refinitiv is powering participants across the global financial marketplace. We provide information, insights, and technology that enable customers to execute critical investing, trading and risk decisions with confidence. By combining a unique open platform with best-in-class data and expertise, we connect people with choice and opportunity – driving performance, innovation and growth for our customers and partners. For more information visit:
Lemuel Brewster
London Stock Exchange Group
Communications Director
Mobile +1 (917) 805-1089