You can free up resources and reinvest in new opportunities by accessing new data and analytics experiences, developed for and with the markets.
Prepare to break new ground with LCH
Make better investment decisions, with confidence
Reach peak trading efficiency
Streamline your processes, so you’re free to explore
LCH Data & Analytics services
Access new data and analytics experiences to help manage your resources more efficiently and simplify your workflows.
Access the deepest, most complete OTC market data and gain valuable insights into clearing, market sentiment and the impact of regulation.
Monitor and manage holistic and granular liabilities and collateral across LCH clearing services.
Know when and why your trades are failing to settle, with visibility and control over upstream trading venues and downstream settlement activity.
Understand key margin drivers, optimise intraday liquidity and margin and proactively manage dynamic exposure for your cleared positions.
Reduce your portfolio line items and increase accuracy, speed and efficiency. Simplify clearing workflows, streamline operations, and improve STP connectivity.
Additional information about our products and subscription options.
The data, analytics and other digital services provided by LCH (the “Digital Product Services”) do not, and do not seek to, constitute advice of any nature. The information provided in connection with the Digital Product Services is of a factual, objective, and generic nature and no statement is made as to the suitability or appropriateness of any product or service for any customer. LCH does not offer investment services to customers. You may not rely upon the information provided to you by the Digital Product Services under any circumstance and should seek your own independent legal, investment, tax and other advice. The information and any opinion provided by the Digital Product Services does not constitute a recommendation or offer with respect to any derivative contract, financial instrument, security or service and does not consider whether any information provided is appropriate for any customer or for any customer’s benefit. The relationship of an LCH Group Company with its Digital Product Services users is governed solely by the Digital Services Manual and certain other ancillary documentation, as applicable. Some services described herein may not be available in certain jurisdictions. This presentation does not, and does not purport to, contain a detailed description of any aspect of a service provided by an LCH Group Company or any other topics discussed in this document, and it has not been prepared for any specific person. No LCH Group Company makes any representation, warranty, condition or guarantee (whether express or implied) that the contents of this document are accurate, complete or up-to-date, and makes no commitment to offer any particular product or service. The inclusion of a digital product or service within this presentation does not mean that the product or service is made available in all jurisdictions. The “new trades” add-on is only designed to compare initial margin requirements in relation to potential trades proposed independently by the customer. It does not provide information on the merits of an investment. This add-on does not consider whether any information provided is appropriate for any customer or for any customer’s benefit. The information provided does not amount to a recommendation to enter into any trade. This add-on is not intended for the German market. No LCH Group Company shall have any liability for any losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs or expenses arising out of, or in any way connected with, the information contained in this document, except that each LCH Group Company accepts liability that cannot be excluded by applicable law.
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