
LCH Ltd EquityClear

EquityClear at LCH Ltd is LCH’s UK-registered clearing service for cash equities and equity equivalents

Our Trade Sources

EquityClear clears trades from exchanges, MTFs and other sources of matched trades. Multiple subsidiaries, market segments and trade feeds are cleared for several of these.

  • Aquis 
  • BlockMatch 
  • Borsa Italiana 
  • Cboe Europe 
  • Equiduct 
  • London Stock Exchange 
  • Nasdaq Copenhagen 
  • Nasdaq Helsinki
  • Nasdaq Stockholm 
  • Nasdaq First North 
  • Oslo Bors 
  • Sigma X 
  • SIX Swiss Exchange 
  • TP ICAP 
  • Traiana 
  • Turquoise 

Our Settlement CSDs

EquityClear settles in European and US central securities depositories.

  • APKE (Finland) 
  • CDCP (Czech Republic) 
  • Clearstream Banking Frankfurt (Germany) 
  • Clearstream Banking Luxembourg (International CSD) 
  • Depository Trust Company (USA) 
  • Euroclear Bank (International CSD & Ireland) 
  • Euroclear Belgium 
  • Euroclear France 
  • Euroclear Netherlands 
  • Euroclear UK & International
  • Euronext Securities Copenhagen (Denmark) 
  • Euronext Securities Milan (Italy) 
  • Euronext Securities Oslo (Norway) 
  • Euronext Securities Porto (Portugal) 
  • Iberclear (Spain) 
  • KDPW (Poland) 
  • KELER (Hungary) 
  • OeKB (Austria) 
  • SIX SIS (Switzerland) 
  • VPCS (Sweden)


EquityClear Ltd Contacts

  • Ivan Gilmore
    Business Head
  • James Stacey
  • Dhruve Bhavsar
    Head of Business Risk
  • Ryan Spencer
    Specialist Sales Head
  • Tom Archer
    Head of Product Development

Contact us

If you'd like to know more about how we can help you, please get in touch.

Email the LCH Ltd EquityClear team