
Risk Management

ForexClear is a leader in risk management. We are a stronghold in centrally cleared OTC foreign exchange markets.

Our Risk Management Philosophy

At ForexClear, we think of our clearing house as a castle - a fortress protected by numerous ramparts. Should one defensive position be breached, several more walls stand behind it to maintain the safety and stability of the Clearing Members & Clients within.

These various layers of protection are our risk management framework, a series of interlocking defensive barriers that work in concert to protect your cleared trades and the collateral posted against them.

We have designed state-of-the-art safeguards to protect our Clearing Members and their clients, not to mention the stability of the global financial system.

Risk management is at the core of everything we do at ForexClear. Even before we agree to admit a new entity as a Clearing Member, we are scrutinizing it to ensure it has the capabilities to meet our exacting risk management standards.

That philosophy runs right through every step of the clearing process at our CCP and all the way to the settlement of a Clearing Member default. Let us explain our process in a little more detail.

Contact us

If you'd like to know more about how we can help you, please get in touch.

Email the ForexClear team