April 26, 2021

LCH Ltd EquityClear Service – Change to settlement fee in ESES markets

LCH circular number: 4152
Date: April 26 , 2021
To: All LCH Limited EquityClear Members

Dear LCH Limited EquityClear Clearing Member,

We would like to advise you of an upcoming fee change for settlements occurring in the ESES (Belgium, France and Netherlands) markets.

Effective 1 May 2021, the fee for settlements in Belgium, France and Netherlands will reduce from €1.80, €1.60 and €1.75, respectively, to €1.50 per settlement.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Securities Client Services Team: securitiesclientserviceLTD@lch.com.

Yours sincerely,

Alex Krunic, Head of Equities LCH Limited