September 14, 2021

LCH Ltd (“LCH”) Rule Change Committee of 9 August 2021 - Proposed further changes to the LCH Rulebook

Circular No. 4169
Date: September 14, 2021
To: All LCH Limited EquityClear Clearing Members

LCH Limited (“LCH”) Rule Change Committee of 9 August 2021 - Proposed further changes to the LCH Rulebook

Following LCH’s Rule Change Committee of 9 August 2021, Circular No 4166 was issued on 13 August 2021. One of the two sets of amendments of which members were informed via this circular was entitled Depository Trust Company - Buy-in process.

LCH now wishes to make further minor amendments to these rules. In this latest version, the tracked changed amendments of which members were notified on 13 August have been accepted so that only the latest minor amendments show as tracked changes. They can be viewed on LCH’s secure website at: under the folder Rulebook.

Rulebook Changes – Notification

Title Services Impacted
Depository Trust Company - Buy-in process EquityClear

Clearing members wishing to comment on the proposed rulebook changes should email If you have any general questions on rulebook changes, please contact your usual LCH contact.  Please note that all rulebook changes remain subject to regulatory approval and internal LCH risk approval.