What is JFSA Reporting?
The rewrite of the Japan Financial Services Agency (JFSA) reporting regulation has officially gone into effect as of April 1, 2024. This involves significant changes in how firms report derivatives and is expected to broaden the scope of reporting entities. Reporting firms will be mandated to report to an approved trade repository for the first time. Additionally, the implementation of ISO 20022 messaging and the expansion of reporting fields to 139 are integral components to this regulatory update.
Who is impacted by the regulation?
- Financial Instruments Clearing Organizations
- Foreign Financial Instruments Clearing Organizations
- Financial Instruments Business Operators
- Registered Financial Institutions
Which trades need to be reported?
The mandatory obligation requires OTC derivatives for all asset classes to be reported to an approved trade repository:
- Commodities (other than electricity derivatives)
- Credit
- Equities
- Foreign Exchange
- Interest Rates
When is the reporting deadline?
The next working day after trade execution (T+1).
Key dates
1st April 2024 | Phase 1 Go Live. Reporting of minimum number of fields using ISO 20022 XML. |
27th September 2024 |
Phase 2 Go Live. Additional reporting attributes to be reported using ISO 20022 XML. |
7th April 2025 | Reporting of UPI |
How can LSEG Post Trade help?
One-stop shop solution: Our one-stop shop allows you to comply with multiple regulatory reporting obligations, across all required asset classes and multiple regions, including JFSA. It provides a centralised interface and streamlined connection to the DTCC Trade Repository in the respective region, simplifying compliance with reporting obligations in multiple jurisdictions, including JFSA.
XML Converter: Regulatory Reporting allows firms to submit their report messages in Excel/CSV format to our Rules Engine. The Rules Engine will convert Excel/CSV messages into the required ISO 20022 XML format, and then submit them to the DTCC Data Repository Japan (DDRL). Where report messages contain schema errors or have been rejected by the trade repository, firms can complete manual corrections in Excel/CSV via our user interface.
Why choose us?
When harnessed, regulation can be powerful. Through years of expertise and trusted data accuracy, Regulatory Reporting can help you reframe regulation so it’s no longer a hindrance, but an opportunity. Get help with your JFSA reporting with our APAC Derivatives Reporting solution.
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Regulatory reporting offers a follow the sun support model to our clients. In addition to the proactive monitoring of our regulatory reporting platform, we also provide 24x7 hardware and infrastructure monitoring as standard.
Call our customer support line: +44 (0)20 7797 1122
Content on this page is not intended as an exhaustive or definitive guide to the regulations, and is not the views of LSEG, but for general information purposes only. For detailed and up to date guidance on regulation you should always seek specialist advice and/or consider the actual regulation itself.