What is Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Reporting?
The Monetary Authority of Singapore’s requirement for certain firms to report details of their derivatives transactions to a trade repository.
Who is impacted by the regulation?
The following persons and entities are subject to reporting obligations:
- any bank in Singapore licensed under the Banking Act
- any subsidiary of a bank incorporated in Singapore
- any merchant bank that holds a merchant bank licence, or is treated as having been granted a merchant bank licence, under the Banking Act
- any finance company licensed under the Finance Companies Act
- any insurer licensed under the Insurance Act
- any holder of a capital markets services licence (CMSL)
- any significant derivatives holder (SDH) as set out in regulation 6 of the SF(RDC)R
The reporting obligation is double-sided – i.e. if either counterparty to a trade that is in scope has a reporting obligation, they must report the transaction. However, there are exemptions from reporting if certain criteria are met.
Which trades need to be reported?
The following types of derivatives contracts which are booked in Singapore or traded in Singapore need to be reported:
- interest rate derivatives contracts
- credit derivatives contracts
- foreign exchange derivatives contracts
- commodity derivatives contracts
- equity derivatives contracts
When is the deadline for reporting?
T+2, two business days after the trade is executed.
How can LSEG Post Trade help?
When harnessed, regulation can be powerful. Through years of expertise and trusted data accuracy, Regulatory Reporting can help you reframe regulation, so it’s no longer a hindrance, but an opportunity. To find out we can help you meet your MAS reporting obligations, visit our G20 Reporting solution page.
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Regulatory reporting offers a follow the sun support model to our clients. In addition to the proactive monitoring of our regulatory reporting platform, we also provide 24x7 hardware and infrastructure monitoring as standard.
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Content on this page is not intended as an exhaustive or definitive guide to the regulations, and is not the views of LSEG, but for general information purposes only. For detailed and up to date guidance on regulation you should always seek specialist advice and/or consider the actual regulation itself.