Simplify your EMIR reporting and prepare for EMIR Refit with Regulatory Reporting.
EMIR is designed to increase the transparency of ETD and OTC markets and monitor systemic risk.
All derivatives transactions must be reported to an approved trade repository such as Regulatory Reporting if one of the counterparties is a registered entity within the EEA and UK.
The Road to Refit: Webinar highlights
Access our trusted EMIR reporting solutions
Integrate all your reporting on the Regulatory Reporting platform.
Enrich your data with hard-to-find reference information, such as CFI codes, with Regulatory Reporting’s comprehensive EMIR Reference Data.
Gain exceptional transparency and visibility into your inter and intra trade repository matching.
Benefit from extensive download capabilities and a greater understanding of your position within the EMIR Trade Repository with easily exportable open position reports.
Turn “reactive” into “proactive” with access to our experts in EMIR / ESMA trade reporting.
Regulatory Reporting is offering an EMIR Refit ISO 20022 XML Converter tool, allowing financial institutions to report and manage EMIR Refit transactions in Excel/CSV instead of having to build to the XML schema. The new tool will be made available in UAT in April 2023.
EMIR Delegated Reporting & EMIR Reference Data
What is EMIR Delegated Reporting?
Regulatory Reporting’s suite of delegated reporting products help reduce the pressure on the back-office infrastructures of firms who fall within EMIR’s jurisdiction. The model enables any counterparty to a trade to ‘delegate’ its reporting obligation to the other counterparty to the trade or to a third-party service provider.
It also allows firms to take on the reporting responsibilities of multiple clients – including those that do not have the resources to adjust to the requirements of EMIR, or which consider delegation a more efficient model by which to report.
Regulatory Reporting has created bespoke delegation products for each individual client – the model below illustrates the concept of delegated reporting:
- ‘Delegating’ counterparty provide details of their static data (i.e. broker ID) to its counterparty or third party administrator
- The ‘submitting’ party then submits their client’s data if they are a third party administrator, or both their data and their counterparty’s data in any standard Regulatory Reporting format
- Regulatory Reporting then applies bespoke logic, formatting and feedback for submitted data including details of rejected fields on customised management dashboards
- If the ‘delegating’ counterparty requires access rights to the data submitted to Regulatory Reporting, the delegated reporting product can be customised to allow:
- View-only access
- Ability to edit some fields
- Ability to submit and edit some fields (ie valuation fields)
EMIR Delegated Reporting Workflow
EMIR Reference Data
As part of EMIR firms are required to report a large number of global derivative reference data fields. London Stock Exchange has access to a broad scope of this data, and using the Regulatory Reporting platform has created a consolidated file from a variety of sources, including taking direct from exchange sources, vendor feeds and internal reference data sources.
Using our EMIR regulatory expertise and data driven delivery capabilities, this data has further been enhanced to incorporate an engineered CFI code applied to non-UK/non-ISIN trading venues e.g. CBOT.
The instrument classification field is a key mandatory field for firms to meet their EMIR reporting obligation, and where ISIN/AII is used to identify the product, the CFI code is required. A consolidated golden copy of CFI information becomes central to a firm's strategy in the generation of the data for reporting under EMIR.
This field coupled with the wider derivative attributes, all sourced from a single file, ensure clients can integrate into their report generation process. Other significant data elements can be seen below:
- Market Identifier
- Option future flag
- Put/Call flag
- Strike price
- Option exercise type European or American
- Settlement type Physical, Cash, Future
- Contract size
- Strike price currency
- Commodity details
- Underlying ISIN
Benefits for banks
Regulatory Reporting’s EMIR Delegated Reporting solution enables banks to:
Enhance client service
- Regulatory Reporting simplifies complex reporting tasks, ensuring minimal impact on you and your clients
- Reconciliation of trade data and instantaneous rejections feedback via GUI
- Reports on your exceptions including areas for improvement
- Calculation of position data
- Clients retain the mandate to report correctly but have minimal reporting effort
- Full support team to handle client and sell-side queries
Meet a variety of client needs flexibly
- Raw data can be submitted in any Regulatory Reporting standard format to accommodate for various preferences in BO language – including FPML, Excel, .csv, XML
- Multiple delegated reporting models offered to accommodate varying client requests and requirements
Stay ahead of your competition
- Anecdotal evidence from client meetings suggests buy-side firms are inclined to choose the services of those sell-side firms who offer a delegated reporting service for all asset classes in their portfolio
- Compete with tier one banks who have already confirmed they will be offering this service
Why choose Regulatory Reporting?
With years of industry expertise and trusted data accuracy, Regulatory Reporting is reframing regulation through data insights, workflow automation and easy onboarding that help you turn reactive into proactive, get ahead of regulations and upskill your teams through access to our experts.
Contact us today to learn more about Regulatory Reporting’s EMIR Delegated Reporting and EMIR Reference Data solutions.
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Our sales team can provide help and expertise with your product-related queries.
Global Customer support
Regulatory reporting offers a follow the sun support model to our clients. In addition to the proactive monitoring of our regulatory reporting platform, we also provide 24x7 hardware and infrastructure monitoring as standard.
Call our customer support line: +44 (0)20 7797 1122