Financial crime risk management

Get data, human intelligence, and advanced risk management solutions to help you avoid the reputational and financial damage associated with financial crime. 

To help ensure your business is not affected by organised criminal networks, your KYC and third-party risk management programs should be able to withstand the sophisticated criminals of the future and adapt accordingly.

Our financial crime risk management solutions help businesses to identify, manage, mitigate and act on the risk associated with financial crimes such as money laundering and corruption. Our broad range of solutions centre around quality and trusted data accessible through common formats across a variety of managed services, software platforms, partners and APIs.

Take action. Uncover financial crime risk.

Uncover Financial Crime Risk

We provide accurate and reliable information and tools to help our customers meet their due diligence and screening requirements for anti-money laundering, sanctions and watch lists, Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), adverse media, beneficial ownership, anti-bribery and corruption compliance.

Our powerful combination of financial risk data, leading-edge screening technology and human expertise helps overstretched compliance teams to maximise their resources and fight financial crime and green crime more efficiently.


Why our financial crime risk management solutions are trusted worldwide 

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Trusted information sources

Various human intelligence sources, leveraging structured World-Check data accredited with ISAE 3000 standard.


Global coverage with local knowledge

With local people in all major markets, we understand the local nuances and details, even where information may be less reliable.


Credible partnerships

We partner with governments, businesses and NGOs to fight financial crime, including wildlife trafficking and modern slavery.


Explore our financial crime risk management solutions

With the growing need to protect against sophisticated financial criminals, and in response to the digital revolution, we have developed digital solutions that offer fast, reliable identity verification and screening through API technology.

Risk advocacy

Fighting financial crime, together.

Discover how we collaborate with various organisations to help expand our knowledge base and add valuable insights into the most effective ways to fight organised criminal networks involved in financial crime.

The Sentry
united for wildlife
Global Coalition to Fight Financial Crime

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