Risk Intelligence

Third-party risk

Make sure all your business relationships are built on solid foundations, and meet shareholder and customer expectations around corporate responsibility, reputational risk, and transparency.

Safeguard your organisation from exposure to third parties who have breached regulations or displayed unethical business practices. 

With rising regulatory pressure, emerging focus on reputational risk and more complex supply chains, third-party risk management is becoming increasingly important in the corporate sector. Trends such as the growing number and complexity of third-party relationships, rising fines and penalties, and demand for responsible operations have led to third-party risk management becoming a critical activity for organisations.


Detect and assess risks in your third-party relationships

Business relationships with suppliers, vendors, distributors, agents and joint venture partners should be built on solid foundations, satisfy regulators and meet shareholder and customer expectations around corporate responsibility, reputational risk, and transparency.

As a reliable and trusted provider of market leading risk intelligence data​, our solutions can help you drive a comprehensive risk-based programme, while increasing efficiency and growth in your supply chain and distribution network.

We provide screening, monitoring and risk assessment tools, informed by accurate, comprehensive and inter-connected risk data sources to help you comply with global legislation on anti-bribery and anti-corruption. Our analysis, technology and outsourcing services will help you manage and mitigate integrity, identity, cyber, operational, financial, ESG and other risks throughout your supply chain and distribution network.


Why we are trusted worldwide

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Trusted information sources

Various human intelligence sources, leveraging structured World-Check data accredited with ISAE 3000 standard.


Early warning system

We detect hidden risk in the supply chain that allows for prevention of regulatory fines, reputational damage and loss of trust from customers, shareholders and investors.

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Beyond sanctions

We cover 100% of all sanctioned entities globally and 75% of database consists of profiles of fraud, bribery & corruption, terrorism, organised crime and exploitation.


Explore our third-party risk solutions

Our solutions help you detect, assess and minimise potential risks associated with your suppliers, distributors and partners, and regularly monitor them for any change in status.

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