Derivatives and structured products valuation services
Structured products pricing
A transparent and tailor-made valuation service for your structured notes and OTC-derivatives.
Why choose our structured products pricing?
Regulations such as Dodd-Frank and the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) are devoting a great deal of attention to illiquid and complex instruments, with a particular focus on derivatives and structured products. Highly transparent valuations are required to meet these stringent requirements.
Our Pricing Service Plus offers tailor-made and transparent valuations, along with risk calculations for structured notes and hard-to-value, over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives.
This award-winning service guarantees full access to the pricing process, including cashflow descriptions, market data inputs, numerical methods, and model assumptions, to help you address your transparency and regulatory requirements.
Combined with a highly extensive financial library (legacy Pricing Partners financial library), Pricing Service Plus effectively supports all standard or non-standard derivatives pricing without limit.
Features & benefits
What you get with our structured products pricing
Challenge the intermediary pricing step-by-step with direct access to your portfolio valuation and associated dynamic pricing file (calculator Excel sheet).
Review payoff description, audit market data used, and analyze model assumptions. Benefit from dynamic Excel calculation files.
Include both evaluated price and risk indicators, and tailor valuation reports to your desired frequency and output information.
Risk measures available at trade level – produce Credit Value Adjustment (CVA), Debt Value Adjustment (DVA), VaR, CVaR, and Greeks.
All methodologies are supported with stringent quality control checks.
Valuation reports are delivered by mail, web services, FTP, DataScope Select, and other platforms.
Request details
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All countries (toll free): +1 800 427 7570
Brazil: +55 11 47009629
Argentina: +54 11 53546700
Chile: +56 2 24838932
Mexico: +52 55 80005740
Colombia: +57 1 4419404
Europe, Middle East, Africa
Europe: +442045302020
Africa: +27 11 775 3188
Middle East & North Africa: 800035704182
Asia Pacific (Sub-Regional)
Australia & Pacific Islands: +612 8066 2494
China mainland: +86 10 6627 1095
Hong Kong & Macau: +852 3077 5499
India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Maldives & Sri Lanka:
+91 22 6180 7525
Indonesia: +622150960350
Japan: +813 6743 6515
Korea: +822 3478 4303
Malaysia & Brunei: +603 7 724 0502
New Zealand: +64 9913 6203
Philippines: 180 089 094 050 (Globe) or
180 014 410 639 (PLDT)
Singapore and all non-listed ASEAN Countries:
+65 6415 5484
Taiwan: +886 2 7734 4677
Thailand & Laos: +662 844 9576