
We offer the flexibility to use our models or the ease of building your own custom analytics - transform data into more valuable and AI actionable insights.

Create actionable insights with differentiated analytics

We deliver a range of trusted models and innovative AI-powered analytics tools, all supported by a robust open, scalable infrastructure. Our pre-built, market-validated models and tools ensures you have the right analytics.

Discover insights faster that will help you automate complex analytic tasks. We enable you to integrate your own tools, parameters, pricing models and workflows so you can personalise your experience.

Get a competitive edge with AI-powered analytics you can trust. We are continually evolving our AI ecosystem to create new products that will help you analyse data more effectively.

This is a transformative timein analytics and across the industrymore generally. Three keythings that I'm most excited about.Firstly, the role oftechnology across analytics is an enormous one.And actually here at LSEG,we've been able to bring togethermultiple different asset classes that are nowaccessible to customers in a single vehicle.You can drive actionable insights ina single click that infuses multiple different workflows.Two, central part of the role ofanalytics is to understand the intent of humans.Not an easy thing, but actually using AI,we can do a lot in terms ofunderstanding the intent of humans and translatingthat into underlying data that reallybecomes tailored and actionable for end users.Three, we're really excited about the roleof democratized technology because what itmeans is that here at LSEG wecan equip customers with tools,with infrastructure that actually allows our customers toreally differentiate in a way thatthey've maybe never been able to before.And that's really empowering andexciting for all of our customers here at LSEG.

Discover AI-powered analytics to transform data into actionable insights.

Features and benefits

Discover how our analytical foundations and models can support your investment decisions.


Market sensitive analytics reacting to continually evolving dynamics and client needs


Aligned support of analytics across client business areas accounting for breadth of use cases


Wide ranging and extendable asset class and solution services addressing breadth of client needs


Integrated client tools solutions enabling analytics parameter and model customisations

Our solutions

Providing you with innovative analytic tools and models

White paper

2025 year-ahead US outlook: Macro, equities, funds, RMBS, CMBS, and CLO insights

Who we serve

Client engagement is embedded in our DNA. This is built on enduring relationships with a wide range of the largest financial institutions globally. Providing solutions for the back-office, middle-office and front-office across both buy-side and sell-side clients:


We provide structuring and pricing tools for complex security types to meet your needs. Our comprehensive and growing range of solutions – including Tradeweb offers the functionality you need at your fingertips.

Portfolio managers

We offer solutions that bring fast and accurate insights that can make all the difference to the performance of portfolios, with automation offering the opportunity to improve both productivity and alpha generation.

Technology professionals

Our broad range of structured and unstructured data and analytics across all asset classes are available in a flexible cloud environment. We remain committed to developing next-generation data and machine learning-assisted modelling through our 10-year partnership with Microsoft.


Our Analytics give you the tools you need, including historical data, news and transcripts, as well as easy-to-use coding interfaces. There’s flexible, cloud-based infrastructure and a commitment to developing next-generation data and analytics.

Risk management

Identifying interest rates and credit risks at company and portfolio-level swiftly are paramount to strong financial performance. LSEG Yield Book’s data and models can help you meet regulatory requirements, create bespoke scenario analysis and complete extensive calculations.

Pricing Analysts

Our multi-asset pricing models are widely used across various industries. These models provide reliable pricing solutions, helping organizations manage risk, optimize portfolios, and make better decisions.

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