FTSE Russell’s ESG Scores and data model allows investors to understand a company’s exposure to, and management of, ESG issues in multiple dimensions.
The ESG Scores are comprised of an overall Score that breaks down into underlying Pillars and Theme Exposures and Scores. The Pillars and Themes are built on over 300 individual indicator assessments that are applied to each company’s unique circumstances.
Helping investors with a need for flexible, data-driven solutions to:
- Assist in managing exposure to ESG aspects
- Meet mandated stewardship requirements
- Integrate ESG data into securities and portfolio analysis
- Implement ESG-aware investment strategies
An ESG score is made of three pillars, Environmental, Social and Governance.
Related Links
ESG Scores and Data Model Overview
FTSE Russell ESG Data Model Methodology
Malaysian ESG scores overview
ESG Scores and data recalculation policy and guidelines
AIGCC report: Listed company TCFD disclosure in Asia
How the TCFD recommendations are incorporated into FTSE Russell’s ESG Scores and data model
Corporate engagement within sustainable investment: Information for researched companies
Financial, double or dynamic? Theories of ESG materiality and practitioner approaches
Made to measure: indicator construction and measurement scales in ESG score design
ตัวชี้วัด การประเมิน FTSE Russell ESG Scores (2024-2025) (Thai)
Key features
Why use FTSE Russell ESG scores?
The ESG Scores can be accessed through the online data model and includes 8,000 securities in 47 Developed and Emerging markets, comprising the constituents of the FTSE All-World Index, FTSE All-Share Index and Russell 1000® Index.
The data model is designed for customisation by the user to enable the data to be ‘sliced and diced’ to meet each user’s needs.
Scores are calculated using an Exposure-weighted average, meaning that the most material ESG issues are given the most weight when determining a company’s scores.
The ESG Scores and data model has clearly defined rules for assessing and rating companies. The output is a data tool that is quantitative, rather than qualitative, in its company research reports.
The ESG data model is overseen by an independent external committee comprising experts from the investment community, business, NGOs, unions and academia.
The ESG Scores support alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All 17 SDGs are reflected in the 14 Themes under the ESG framework.
Data collection and corporate engagement
- FTSE Russell’s ESG company research relies on publicly disclosed information only. We do not send questionnaires to issuers
- Companies are given access to our web-based research platform (SID) and are afforded around four weeks to review and provide feedback (e.g. additional public information) that could be factored into our analysis
- Sustainable Investment data analysts review this feedback and determine if a change in assessment is warranted
- In addition, we also have an established process for corporate communications. This process enables companies to engage with us directly (using ftse4good@ftserussell.com) to better understand our ESG research process, inputs, outputs and investor use cases
Codes of Conduct for ESG Ratings and Data Products Providers
LSEG fully supports global initiatives aimed at improving the quality, reliability, and transparency of ESG scores and data. In line with our commitment to these principles, we have endorsed the Code of Conduct for ESG Ratings and Data Products Providers issued by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and International Regulatory Strategy Group (IRSG), and the Singapore Code of Conduct for ESG Rating and Data Product Providers co-created by the Monetary Authority of Singapore with industry players. These endorsements reflect our dedication to adhering to industry best practices and aligning with IOSCO’s recommendations on ESG data and ratings.
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