"Green" investing has been challenging to quantify. For years, green was loosely defined, based on concepts rather than a specific industrial system. With considerable thought, FTSE Russell has developed a structure, measurement methodology and process to meet client demand for quality data to help truthfully size and monitor aggregate and individual contribution to the growing green economy.
FTSE Russell has been researching and developing green industry taxonomies since it launched the FTSE Environmental Markets Index Series and accompanying FTSE Environmental Markets Classification System more than a decade ago. This classification system was developed to identify products and services that have a net positive environmental impact.
FTSE Russell has since extended the family of green taxonomies with the FTSE Green Revenues Classification System (GRCS), incorporating evolving global standards and best practices. Companies are researched and analysed based on their impact on climate change mitigation and adaptation, water, resource use, pollution and agricultural efficiency.
In 2020, the Green Revenues 2.0 data model underwent significant transformation to provide greater granularity and precision to meet global demand for investment in the green economy and global climate and regulatory reporting, including the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities.
Green Revenues data is available via flexible delivery through API bulk data feed, LSEG Workspace and via Snowflake. Data items include:
- Tier1 Green Revenue Percentage
- Tier2 Green Revenue Percentage
- Tier3 Green Revenue Percentage
- Minimum Green Revenue Percentage Ex Nuclear
- Maximum Green Revenue Percentage Ex Nuclear
What is Green Revenue data?
Green Revenues 2.0

- Comprehensive – A taxonomy that has expanded to 133 micro sectors to cover more revenue categories, giving a broad view of green activity and its material impact on the bottom line for approximately 3,000 companies, including:
o FTSE Global Equity Index Series
o Russell 3000 Index - Granular – Green Revenues utilizes an estimate methodology to fill data gaps and allowing point data accuracy
- Tiered – Green, greener, greenest. Micro sector tiering assessments identify ‘Limited,’ ‘Net positive’ and ‘Clear and significant’ impact categories for easy assessment
EU Taxonomy

The EU is now establishing a taxonomy and putting guidelines in place that require investment companies to objectively meet defined standards when marketing funds as “environmental” or “sustainable.” At this critical juncture, FTSE Russell’s Green Revenues data delivers a comprehensive tool for the investment community to help understand and comply with these new standards.
- Define - Know what is green and stay up to date
- Analyse - Develop a regular tracking and reporting process
Research and Insights
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