FTSE Digital Asset Index Series

Market cap indices in association with Digital Asset Research

The FTSE Digital Indices provide index coverage of cryptographically secured digital instruments in the market. The indices were developed in response to investor demand for benchmarks to accurately and methodically capture performance of digital assets, allowing for the more seamless integration into traditional portfolio analysis and processes. The FTSE Digital Asset Indices currently include:

  • FTSE Global Digital Asset Indices – A comprehensive view of the digital asset market from large to micro as measured by circulating weight.
  • FTSE Single Digital Asset Indices – Single asset indices cover some of the most in demand digital assets.

The FTSE Digital Asset Index Series leverages the FTSE DAR Benchmark Assets Reference Price. This underlying pricing employs a methodology designed to capture data from vetted assets and exchanges to meet the requirements of EU Benchmarks.

In addition, fundamental to the index methodology, ongoing monitoring of exchanges and assets is provided by the experts at Digital Asset Research.

The FTSE Digital Asset Index Series can be used as a starting universe, performance benchmarks or the basis for index-linked products such as derivatives and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).

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