Reframe regulatory reporting with LSEG Post Trade
Delivered in a single, streamlined package, Regulatory Reporting’s core modules strengthen data accuracy and provide access to data and analytics that enable you to optimise your risk management.
Regulatory Reporting gives you the flexibility to choose the combination of modules that works best for your business – so you not only benefit from the optimal end-to-end reporting experience, but also meet your obligations for best practice systems and controls.
How can lessons learned from EU EMIR Refit help firms prepare for the UK go-live?
7 reasons to use an Approved Reporting Mechanism for your regulatory reporting
Customer story: ARTEX
Customer story: Investment Management
The future of Regulatory Reporting
The heightened focus on data quality for transaction reporting
6 modules. 1 platform.
Regulatory reporting
Regulatory Reporting is an Approved Reporting Mechanism (ARM) and Trade Repository in the UK and EU, providing solutions for regulations including MiFIR / MiFID II (RTS21 Commodity Position Reporting, RTS 22 ARM transaction reporting, RTS23 Reference data reporting) along with a range of ancillary services to help you create a full control framework around MIFIR reporting. In addition, Regulatory Reporting provides solutions for EMIR, ASIC, MAS, HKMA, FinfraG and Bank of Israel Commodity Positions Reporting, offering a comprehensive approach to T+1 reporting requirements.
Eligibility checks
With the Regulatory Reporting Rules Engine, you can use Regulatory Reporting's global database of MiFIR reportable instruments, which are compiled through UK and EU FIRDs and LSEG’s master instrument reference data. The eligibility workflow helps ensure you are not over reporting. Through intuitive exception management interfaces, records can be blocked automatically or simply flagged for further review.
Analytics and accuracy
An ‘always on’ solution to provide more insight and control over your MiFIR regulatory reporting. Regulatory Reporting Analytics helps you demonstrate you have the right control framework in place to reduce regulatory and operational risks by providing an effective control framework to meet your firm's data quality and completeness obligations. The solution provides the tools and analytics to indicate whether you might stand out to the regulators, how you compare to your peers, and how to improve your reporting data – all with no set-up needed.
Rules engine
The Regulatory Reporting Rules Engine does the hard work for you. As a flexible ETL layer, the platform ingests your source data - normalising, enriching, augmenting, and validating the data - before translating it into the correct format for onward processing and regulatory reporting.
Under the rules detailed in MiFIR RTS 22 article 15, any trading venue / investment firm that reports MiFIR transactions is liable for the accuracy and completeness of its transaction reports for any given trade date. Firms are concerned that a poor client-ARM-regulator reconciliation process may cause them to be in breach of the rules.
Regulatory Reporting’s MiFIR Reconciliations is a multi-source reconciliation engine that significantly reduces the risk of non-compliance. Our solution allows for one or multiple parties, the executing entity(s) and your firm(s) to supply client transaction reports and transactions reports held at the regulator(s) for reconciliation against transactions reported to Regulatory Reporting’s regulated ARM. Regulatory Reporting’s reconciliation tool ultimately allows for a three-way reconciliation (1. client versus ARM, 2. client versus NCA and 3. ARM versus NCA) to be run on reported MiFIR transactions.
You will receive timely reconciliation results and break management functionalities, benefiting from access to Regulatory Reporting ARM and LSEG’s trusted technology infrastructure. MiFIR Reconciliations offers multiple sources for transaction reports input in diverse formats.
The provision of reliable data to determine whether a trade must be reported often proves onerous and difficult. Many organisations resort to incomplete lists of reference data and complex rules logic to pre-filter data prior to sending to their ARM. The Regulatory Reporting solution provides a web interface identifying reports that may not require reporting to the regulator through access to detailed LSEG reference data sourced from the FCA and ESMA (FIRDS).
How can LSEG Post Trade help?
Regulatory Reporting provides a number of award-winning regulatory solutions that give you better business insight and safeguard against future regulatory change.
Why choose Regulatory Reporting?
With years of industry expertise and trusted data accuracy, Regulatory Reporting is reframing regulation through data insights, workflow automation and easy onboarding that help you turn reactive into proactive, get ahead of regulations and upskill your teams through access to our experts.
For further details on how we can help you with different regulations, please check out our regulation page.
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Global Customer support
Regulatory reporting offers a follow the sun support model to our clients. In addition to the proactive monitoring of our regulatory reporting platform, we also provide 24x7 hardware and infrastructure monitoring as standard.
Call our customer support line: +44 (0)20 7797 1122