Dealing with regulation is an important but challenging task. Keeping up with legislation and the data your company produces means resources, budgets and processes take the hit. However, when harnessed, regulation can be powerful.
With years of expertise and a proven record in trusted data accuracy, LSEG Post Trade's regulatory reporting can help you reframe regulation through data insights, workflow automation and easy onboarding.
Our regulatory reporting solutions enable companies to reduce their operational and regulatory risk, and derive greater value from their reporting, through a range of streamlined regulatory reporting, data and analytics solutions.
Trusted by firms in the UK and across Europe, regulatory reporting simplifies compliance with multiple global regulations, including EMIR and MiFID, and delivers significant operational efficiencies that allow firms to free up resources.
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Reframe regulatory reporting with LSEG Post Trade
Turning reactive into proactive, so you can get ahead of regulations and upskill teams with access to our experts
Transforming data into insights, communicated to the business through reporting visibility
Unblocking resource bottlenecks through automated workflows and easy onboarding
Moving previously ring-fenced penalty budgets to more useful business areas
Changing process management into strategic thinking to move the business forward
Reporting billions of transactions annually through LSEG’s reliable, market-trusted infrastructure
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Global Customer support
Regulatory reporting offers a follow the sun support model to our clients. In addition to the proactive monitoring of our regulatory reporting platform, we also provide 24x7 hardware and infrastructure monitoring as standard.
Call our customer support line: +44 (0)20 7797 1122