Sustainable Finance and Investment

Enabling green economy growth

The green economy provides critical solutions to the world’s sustainability challenges and presents a growing investment opportunity.

The global green economy, a market providing climate and environmental solutions, has expanded considerably over the last decade, representing a US$7.2 trillion investment opportunity as of 2024.

As such, the ability to mitigate risks and identify opportunities stemming from this fast-growing market is set to be a key differentiator for investors now and in years to come.

Identifying green value requires trusted data and insights. At LSEG, we have been developing proprietary data, analytics and indices to measure company exposure to the green economy since 2008, alongside dedicated market infrastructure supporting green issuance.

The green economy, consisting of climate solutions fromrenewables and clean waterto green transport and waste management,represents one of the biggest investment opportunitiesof the 21st century.If considered a standalone industry,it would be the second best performingof the last ten years,outpacing energy and financials.Over the last decade, the green economyhas expanded considerably witha market capitalization of $7.2trillion and a ten year growth rate of 14%.And when represented bythe FTSE Environmental Opportunities All Share Index,it has been outperformingthe market benchmark over the long term.At LSEG, since 2008,we have been developing proprietary data, analytics,and index solutions to measurecompany exposure to this green economy.Green Revenues dataset isa bottom-up assessment of morethan 19,000 companies globally.This data is categorised across133 green products and services,as defined by the FTSE RussellGreen Revenue Classification System,and incorporates the six environmental objectivesunder the EU taxonomy plus sustainable agriculture.The data is used to power FTSE Russell,environmental markets indices andthe London Stock Exchange Green Economy Mark,a mark which recognisesLondon-listed companies that generate 50% ormore of total annual revenues from productsand services that contribute to the global green economy.LSEG's green revenues data can provide you withthe right information to makeinvestment decisions with more confidence.It's available now viamultiple distribution channels, including Workspace.Visit our website for more information onthe green economy and green revenues data.
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